A big thing happened 2day bt im not gonna talk about it.
This is about my holiday in Turkey a.k.a here goes...
Sonia is sucha sweetheart. She called me lyk a million times before we left, she spoke 2 my mom n sis n wished every1 a safe journey..the limo came 2 pick us up at 8.30p.m. was a bumpy ride..anyway we reached d airport n we checked in our luggage...ryte after we went to top up our phones so dat we can wish every1 gudbye b4 leavin..we got 2 d departure hall by the aerotrain or wtv u call it..we had a light meal at burger king cuz we couldnt reli eat at home cuz we were so busy packing..our flight departure time was at 11.59p.m...we boarded the plane i sat wif my bro, my sis sat wif my aunt..n my mum and dad sat together..then well....take was a 6 hour flight until our transit at dubai international airport...Dubai has a reli beautiful airport as well, its sumtin lyk ours..the transit was only 4 an hour and a half so there wasnt much we could do...we boarded the plane again an off to turkey..... I was so tired so i slept throughout the flight and also it was an airbus230 so it sucked cuz we had no entertainment onboard. The food sucked equally..nt tryin 2 critisize bt the food from the malaysian sector is reli bad..i puked when we landed in Dubai..Dubai sector wasnt so bad .
In Dubai one of my bro's frens called him n it cost rm5 per min for a call..n sms rm2
wei..u too much wei.. sonia d oni 1 called u aa? oh!! such a sweetheart.. i called u 4 every trip u went oK! i damn sad.. damn trok wei you.. haish..